Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today Lisa Is with Kathleen Morris

Lisa welcomes Kathleen Morris to Lisa Day Today. Kathleen has a bubbly personality and she will entertain from word one.

  1. When did you start writing? I started writing probably about fifteen years ago when my youngest was three. I wrote for a small town newspaper as a correspondent. I didn't make much money but I loved it. Then I just found myself writing more and more. I began to write plays and some of them were performed in my church. One of my plays titled Gotta Love It  won Saskatchewan's Rural Writing contest and was performed by The Dancing Sky Theatre in Meacham, Saskatchewan. It was thrilling to have a professional theatre troupe perform my work. I guess it all spiralled from there. My family and I moved to an acreage as the kids started getting older and I decided to try my hand at writing a book. That's when Deep Bay Vengeance was born. It took me a couple years but I did it. And then it's sequel was born: Deep Bay Relic.
  2. You talk about your books like they are your children. Why is that? Yes! I like to refer to them as my children. Every word, every sentence, every chapter was uniquely crafted together just like when you're expecting a baby. It takes a lot of work to grow a baby. Nine months of watching your stomach grow. It took me a lot longer to grow my books but little by little I watched it get bigger and bigger until it became a real story. And the characters in it grew as well. One by one they were born. Writing is a deep personal thing really. So much of myself comes though without me even realizing it. Bit by bit the books takes on a personality of their own until one day, labour starts and a newborn story is born. My story, by characters, my baby. They hold a special place in my heart. That's kind of strange I know. People call me crazy. That's okay, I kind of am. You have to be if you want to write. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
  3. Why do you write Christian fiction? I settled on writing Christian fiction because my faith is important to me. I want everyone to know God. I've been through a lot of hard things in my life and without God, I wouldn't have made it. I really believe that and I want other people to have that as well. So, I write Biblical truths into my character's lives and God's love into every story I write.
  4. What process of writing do you use? Well, I'm a non-traditional writer. I don't like to pre-plan anything. I don't have charts and notes or anything like that. I sit down and place my fingers on the keyboard and start to type. I've talked to other writers who can't understand my technique but that's okay. Every writer is different. I guess for me, I just love a good surprise. I like not knowing what is around the corner or who will get into trouble next. The best way to describe the way I write is, writing by the seat of my pants. Usually I shock myself by writing a character off that I didn't expect to. I've cried my heart out over the death of a character I didn't intend to kill off. It's crazy I know, but that's part of the thrill of writing for me. I'm just as surprised as my readers when something bad happens. I like that!
  5. What do you think makes a good story? I think a good story should have a little bit of everything. Though I like to write suspense/thrillers it wouldn't be a good book if it didn't have romance mixed with it. My characters also have to go through a moral struggle and come out learning a lesson. That is a must. And when I write, I like to leave a person hanging with something suspenseful. Each page, each chapter, has to grab me, and ultimately has to grab the reader. If it doesn't, I'm bored and I just don't read it. I think my readers feel the same way and so that is why I deliver that to them.
  6. What style of writing do you like best? I like to write in the third person. First person bothers me. I guess because it doesn't sound real to me. I have to read and write realistically. I have a problem with fantasy. My kids make fun of me because I don't like fairy tales but that's just me. I've always been like that and I guess I always will be. It has to be realistic! I also like to get inside the heads of each of my characters and throughout the book I give each character a chance to tell the story through their eyes.
  7. Are you working on your next book? Why yes, I am. It won't be a third book in my Deep Bay Series though. That series is perfect with just two books. My next series is called The Blood War Trilogy. I don't want to reveal too much about it. Not even the title, but what I do want to say is that it will surprise everyone. By that I mean, my topic is a bit wild for the Christian genre but God is still  in it. My characters will go through a great deal of pain and suffering in this one, but their transformation will be unique. Be prepared for an apocalyptic thriller with an amazing twist of fate. For the time being you can enjoy my new book of short inspirational stories that went live via Smashwords Dec 3, 2012. It's called Size Seven Shorts. Self explanatory. Seven short pieces that will change your life. Book 2 in the series is out as well and it's called Short End Of The Stick. I also have a play titled Time Will Tell - An Easter play published Dec 31st 2012.  

One of her books:
Short End Of The Stick -
Short inspirational stories about true life experiences that will change your life. Join in the spiritual journey of author Kathleen Morris as she unfolds the many personal experiences and entertaining stories of her life. Some would say she got the short end of the stick, but according to her, there is no short end...only opportunities to learn and grow.

Her other offerings:
Time Will Tell - An Easter Play: TIME WILL TELL is a play about two teenage girls who travel back in time to witness the crucifixion of Jesus Christ first hand. It is a unique way of telling the Easter story, revealing a message of love, hope, and forgiveness. It will truly bring a personal touch to the crucifixion for young and old.

Size Seven Shorts:
Seven inspirational short stories that will change your life! Join in the spiritual journey through the adventures of Kathleen Morris, author of Deep Bay Vengeance and Deep Bay Relic, as she unfolds the many personal experiences and entertaining stories of her colorful life.

Deep Bay Vengeance:
When Loretta's only son gets killed during a bank robbery, she sets out to find his killer no matter what the cost. The story brings us to a remote fly-in-fishing camp in Northern Saskatchewan where three very different people come together for very different reasons. Together they pursue truth, discover faith, and expose corruption of the human spirit deep in the heart of Canada's north.

Deep Bay Relic:
Book Two in the Deep Bay Series. When a rustic lodge in Northern Saskatchewan becomes the nesting ground for diamond smugglers, Carla Reece finds herself in the middle. She and a myriad of others fall victim to circumstance and have to find their own way out of the wilderness. Survival becomes a quest for truth and self-discovery, with faith their only weapon against a foul ancient creature hidden in Deep Bay since the beginning
To buy her books:
Short End Of The Stick - Short inspirational stories for the soul. Short End Of The Stick by Kathleen Morris. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/274435
Time Will Tell - An Easter Play:
Time Will Tell - An Easter Play on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Time-Will-Tell-Easter-ebook/dp/B00AVDZ2IQ/ref=la_B0099WZSDY_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1357185558&sr=1-4
Size Seven Shorts
7 inspirational short devotions for the soul. Size Seven Shorts by Kathleen Morris. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/261677
Deep Bay Vengeance (Book one in Deep Bay Series)
What would you do if your only son was shot? Would you go after the killer? Novel by Kathleen Morris. #suspensethriller http://www.amazon.com/Kathleen-Morris/e/B0099WZSDY/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Deep Bay Relic (Book two in Deep Bay Series)
If the Loch Ness Monster targeted people because of their sins,would you get bit? Novel by Kathleen Morris. #christian http://www.amazon.com/Kathleen-Morris/e/B0099WZSDY/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

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